© LWF/D. Mills
Youth Pre-Assembly
Message from the Youth Pre-Assembly
Youth_Pre-Assembly_Message.pdf [PDF, 31KB]
LWF Pre-Assembly Seeks Greater Role for Young People in Churches
Young people who will be delegates and stewards at the Eleventh Assembly have called upon the LWF to take steps to alleviate the suffering caused by environmental abuse and climate change, seek an end to gender-based injustice, and enhance the role of young people in Lutheran churches around the world.
Youth Find Unity in Faith and Action
Their lives are separated by distance, language and culture, but Pre-Assembly Youth Conference participants found common bonds to celebrate.
Young Lutherans Speak to their Church
More than 100 young people will gather for the Pre-Assembly Youth Conference to share experiences, hear from global Lutheran leaders and prepare a message for the Assembly.
LWF Youth Blog
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Youth Pre-Assembly
11-17 July 2010 | Dresden, Germany