© Horst Schneck
Host Church Bishop Welcomes Assembly
Welcome to Stuttgart!
Dear delegates and guests,
In just a few days we will be gathering in Stuttgart, the capital city of Baden-Württemberg, to celebrate a communal worship service inaugurating the LWF Eleventh Assembly.
We are looking forward to greeting all who have registered to attend. We wish you a safe and pleasant journey here.
We are also looking forward to the substantive debates around the Assembly theme. The fact that this theme is taken from the Bible and that it expresses a formal petition makes me confident that this gathering will yield numerous concrete results and shed light on future directions.
We have provided our congregations with a wealth of resources to better enable them to follow the Assembly deliberations. At present instructional materials, proposals for liturgies and exegetical resources on the Assembly theme are being studied in our 1,500 congregations and throughout all of Germany and thus reaching a broad audience.
At the start of the event, on Tuesday evening, we will show a presentation about the Württemberg church to give you an idea of our life and faith.
Then and more importantly, a large get-together is being organized on 24 July in Stuttgart’s “Schillerplatz,” directly adjacent to our main church. Our congregations and all delegates and guests are cordially invited. In a festive atmosphere, a very special gastronomical treat will be prepared from the LWF cookbook, Food for Life.
There will also be an opportunity during the break on Friday afternoon to visit diaconal facilities or an organic farm, or to shop in an “Eine Welt” shop (fair trade shop).
We are looking forward to your visit and strive to be excellent hosts!
God bless!
Bishop Dr h.c. Frank Otfried July