© LWF/F. Nzwili
A Soul-Searching Assembly
The theme for the LWF Eleventh Assembly LWF is based on the fourth petition of the Lord’s Prayer, “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread.” The LWF Council chose these familiar words as a point of orientation for all that we say and do. Thus, a rich variety of experiences is anticipated during those seven days in July 2010 in Stuttgart, Germany.
It will be a time of celebration, for God does indeed give daily bread, even “without our prayer,” as Luther explains in the Small and Large Catechism. More than that, God regularly provides not only the necessities, but also the finer things of life. It is our duty and delight to praise God and to give thanks for such generosity.
But that is only part of the story. The other piece is troubling. The Eleventh Assembly will also be a time of soul-searching. The good things that God keeps giving to “us” do not reach all of “us.” We will want to reflect and pray about why it is that so many among “us” die of starvation.
Does neglect of our God-given vocation to care for the earth and for all who live on it have something to do with that deprivation, and if so, what? And what can be done about that?
The Assembly will have at least six Bible studies and 30 sessions of the five Village Groups to explore various aspects of those questions, including related matters such as climate change, HIV and AIDS, gender and economic inequities, and spiritual hunger.
We are confident that what we do together will not leave us in despair. We will go on our way invigorated by God’s promises and confident that God, who has shown us rich opportunities for meeting the present challenges, will go with us and empower us to tackle the task joyfully.
Explore | Read about the Assembly and its themes
- Assembly 2010 theme & related resources
- Bible studies
- Village groups
- Topics for discussion in Stuttgart