© LWF/DWS Mozambique/A. Mapandzeni
Mozambique: Document Folders
Women’s Groups Share Sewing Skills with Lutheran Communion
LWF Department for World Service (DWS) Mozambique’s project on human rights and health for women supports community-based groups that share knowledge and income-generating skills in order to sustain their households.
Since its was started in 2008, the Chamanculo Sewing group—comprising five women who are directly or indirectly affected by HIV and AIDS—has been specializing in sewing bags and other items that are sold in local fairs and markets. The group members learned these skills from the larger AMUJOVIC Ladies group, which was started in 2000.
Both groups produced these document folders for the LWF Eleventh Assembly. They are made from capulana cloth—a light fabric commonly used by women in the Southern African country—and foam. The production work has been an intensive and successful learning experience. The women work in groups of three to cut out the basic materials, sew them together, and then fix the assembly theme label on top.
Rosa, a member of the AMUJOVIC group summarizes the impact of the project on the women’s lives: “My group of three women is producing less than the other groups because I am handicapped physically but despite this, I am very happy because this work has assured me [of] an income during half of the year.”
In Mozambique, school children use such folders to carry books.