In the Liederhalle conference center, the venue of the 20-27 July 2010 Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Eleventh Assembly in Stuttgart, Germany, bins of bread remind participants of the Assembly theme: "Give Us Today Our Daily Bread". © LWF/ Ratna Leak
“True humanity” is found in giving and receiving
“Give Us Today Our Daily Bread”: words to God are now also words from Lutherans to each other and to the world
STUTTGART, Germany, 27 July 2010 – When Christians pray “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread,” the words are addressed to God. But Lutherans attending the Eleventh Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) here turned those words also towards each other in a message to the 145 churches in 79 countries that are members of the global Lutheran communion.
“True humanity” is found in receiving and giving, said the message. While the whole of creation is a gift from God, neighbors depend upon the gifts they give each other. The message reminded Christians that they should give thanks to God, give the Gospel message to others, give their knowledge and material goods to those in need, and care for the environment so that future generations “may enjoy the fruits of creation and lead wholesome lives.”
Lutherans are part of a worldwide community with other Christians and people of other faiths or people who have no faith, said the section of the message focusing on the word, “us.” Because religious and social differences can fracture the community, the message urged Lutherans to seek the “reconciliation that is possible in Christ,” citing as an example the Assembly’s repentance for past injustices committed by Lutherans against Mennonites. The statement urged continuing dialogue with Mennonites, Protestants who were once denounced by Lutherans.
The message said that acknowledging the worldwide community means seeking “gender justice” for men and women, opposing commercialization of the human body and trafficking in human beings, and acknowledging the needs and rights of children and those with disabilities.
Churches should give more visibility to women pastors and women in lay leadership, and commit themselves to seeking equal rights for women in society. Welfare of children should also be a “priority for future theology and action,” the message said. “When we put the rights, needs and welfare of children at the centre … we have a future much brighter than we can imagine.”
The issues of “today” – the next word in the petition from the Lord’s Payer – include concern for the world’s food supply, global climate change, the plight of indigenous people, and the effects of HIV/AIDS, the LWF message said. Lutherans should also welcome into their countries migrants who left their countries for “political, economic or climate reasons.”
Several resolutions on those issues had been approved earlier by delegates to the Assembly.
“Daily” concern for the environment, sustainable development, “illegitimate debts incurred by unscrupulous lenders and borrowers” and greed should impel Christians to work for ethical economic policies and ecologically responsible activities, the message said. It called upon the LWF and its member churches to advocate for the cancellation of “illegitimate debts” that are burdening some countries, to promote development that is “sustainable” and to raise awareness of environmental issues. The message said, “We anticipate a time when we no longer need to speak about such issues each day.”
The “bread” sought in the petition of the Lord’s Prayer is “everything that has to do with the support and needs of the body,” the message said, quoting from the Small Catechism of Martin Luther. This includes such things as shoes, health, devout children, good government, a good reputation and good friends, Luther’s catechism declares. Lutherans provide “bread” for the world, therefore, by preaching the gospel, providing education and social development and advocating for the needs of others, the message continued.
In today’s complex world, this means working together across the entire human community. The message encouraged Lutherans to steep themselves in their own faith. “Being well-grounded in our faith tradition enables us to be open, receptive and hospitable to others.”
The LWF Eleventh Assembly will close this afternoon with a celebration of the Eucharist in Stuttgart’s Stiftskirche. (610 words)