© Finnchurchaid/Katja Tähjä
From the Latin America and Caribbean region: Questions worth pondering
Latin America is one of the main cradles of claims for justice and transformative development.
Did the theological approaches of the contextual theologies coming from this particular continent, especially regarding the search for justice and fair distribution of “bread” influenced the theologies developed in your region?
What are the invitations being sent out today? Are such invitations inclusive enough to the point that they consider and welcome indigenous people, women and people with disabilities, youth, elderly, and children and sexual minorities? Are we, as part of a Lutheran communion of churches, sending invitations and welcoming the wider Christian family and, at the same time, being attentive to the invitations we receive?
Today we witness wealthy groups offering banquets to selected groups.
Can we describe the unfair distribution of wealth, which is one of the main aspects of the ongoing global economic structure, as a banquet to which few are invited? In this sense, who are those offering the banquet? Who are those that are not being invited? What is expected of the church’s prophetic voice?
Rearranging priorities: diakonia
We just read that this world is not a hopeless place and that there is food for all. The poor keep asking: Who has my share of food? Such question makes us reflect on the effectiveness of our diaconal work. The conceptual foundation of ecumenical cooperation tends to segregate key elements of the life of the church. In Latin America, most of the churches try to respond to the different “hungers” of the people on the margins and see such a challenge linked with aspects of spirituality.
Can we talk of a spiritual dimension in development strategies that could also become an indicator of the effectiveness of aid?