© LWF/Dirk Zimmermann
Celebrating Women’s Ministry
The LWF remains committed to the equal participation and leadership of women. Their call to ministry is affirmed and the witness of their ordained ministry is celebrated as a gift.
Member churches are encouraged to address the question of women’s leadership.
There is a long history of discussion about women’s participation and leadership in the church, and there are measures in place that ensure equity in meetings, conferences and structures. But these mark only one step toward gender justice. Challenges remain, including the access to and sharing of power. Therefore, gender analysis is a cross-cutting theological theme in the LWF and a tool to address injustice in church and society.
Women are preparing reflections on the Eleventh Assembly theme, “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread,” that will analyze gender relations and the connections between access to bread and power. Connecting food justice with women’s experience empowers them in many areas of their lives.
The aim is to incorporate gender justice in LWF’s policies and create models of sustainability for church and society, as Lutheran women and men strive to share bread and power in an inclusive communion.