© LWF/ R. Bueno de Faria
Regional Gathering Affirms Need to Deepen Role of Lutheran Communion for Churches
Final Message from LWF Latin American and Caribbean Pre-Assembly
BOGOTÁ, Colombia/GENEVA, 22 April 2010 (LWI) - Lutheran churches in Latin America and the Caribbean have reaffirmed the central role of the global Lutheran communion in the life of all member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF). They call for efforts to deepen this communion, including greater attention to regional strategic planning that fosters viable activities and mutual dialogue between the churches.
In a final message from the region’s Pre-Assembly Consultation and Church Leadership Conference held 12-16 April in Bogotá, Colombia, participants who included representatives from the 16 LWF member churches in Latin America and the Caribbean pointed out that despite the “methodological challenges concerning the reception, distribution and implementation of global programs in our region,” such activities must be “viable and visible in our continent.”
The LWF gathering paid tribute to the region’s people for affirming their identity amid resistance struggles against myriad challenges emanating from a history of colonization, slavery, dependency, dictatorship and weak economies. Participants cited illegitimate external debt and armed conflict as some of the critical issues for the region and globally, as they currently deprive “millions of people around the world of their daily bread.”
The pre-assembly underlined food injustice and its implications, environmental destruction and climate change, and the AIDS pandemic as equally urgent global challenges. Participants expressed commitment “to increasing our efforts and our resistance, together with all the churches of the Lutheran communion, to respond to these cries.” They noted that despite the obvious “abundance of human and natural resources in our countries” suffering continued “because of the unequal distribution of wealth, and the human injustice caused by war and internal conflicts.”
The final message stated appreciation for the Lutheran communion’s diaconal actions and programs, which generate processes of empowerment among the most marginalized sectors. “These actions make it possible to take a few steps in the search for equal access to daily bread for everyone,” participants said.
The pre-assembly message noted that while there had been progress in Latin American churches in “recognizing the gift of women who have taken on leadership responsibilities and been ordained to the pastoral ministry,” further challenges face the churches. The participants affirmed their prophetic commitment as “men and women, delegates and leaders of the church” to establishing processes and practices of gender justice.
The meeting also called for the creation of a regional youth network to build relationships between young people in the region, promote opportunities for further education and leadership training.
Pre-assembly discussions with Mennonite church representatives contributed to an international effort to atone for Lutheran participation in the 16th century persecution of Anabaptists—forebears of today’s Mennonites—and condemnations to the present day. “Asking God and our brothers and sisters for forgiveness is also a first step that can make the journey of trust and communion possible. This step must be taken by the worldwide Lutheran communion,” stated the pre-assembly message.
Referring to international discussions on issues of sexuality, marriage and family life, the statement issued by the meeting cited the LWF document “Marriage, Family, and Human Sexuality” as a “working tool of great doctrinal value” in discussing this topic.
The LWF pre-assembly delegates pointed out that decisions made by Lutheran churches in some parts of the world on such issues as homosexual clergy have sometimes strained inter-church relations. They emphasized however, that the issue “should not be a reason for disunion in the global Lutheran communion,” but should be discussed with respect, goodwill and due time, taking into account the churches’ social and cultural contexts. They called upon the LWF member churches “to consider the global context with its rich diversity, and to grow in communion.”
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia hosted the pre-assembly, with deliberations under the July 2010 LWF Eleventh Assembly theme, “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread.” (651 words)
LatinAmerica_Pre-Assembly_Message.pdf [PDF, 140KB]
Journey | Latin America/Caribbean Pre-Assembly Consultation