© LWF/M.Thilby
Latin American and Caribbean Churches Gather for LWF Pre-Assembly
Evaluating Global Contribution of a Process That Has Strengthened Regional Interaction
BOGOTÁ, Colombia/GENEVA, 9 April 2010 (LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Latin America and the Caribbean will determine how best they can share their experience of accompanying each other as churches in communion, which in their self-assessment has resulted in increased interaction, cooperation and emerging mutual trust among them. Their seven-year process will be a major discussion of the 12-16 April LWF Pre-Assembly Consultation and Church Leadership Conference for the Latin American and Caribbean churches, to be held in Bogotá, Colombia.
During that process, the region’s churches have realized that “differences are not a threat but an opportunity for mutual learning,” said Rev. Martin Junge, area secretary for the Latin American and Caribbean region at the LWF Department for Mission and Development (DMD). He was speaking to Lutheran World Information (LWI) prior to the pre-assembly gathering.
The DMD area desk is coordinating the regional Pre-Assembly, which will be hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO). The estimated 50 participants will include delegates from the region’s 16 churches, representatives from mission partners, ecumenical guests and LWF staff.
A series of seven DMD-coordinated pre-assemblies since October 2009 help to prepare delegates from the LWF member churches for participation in the July 2010 Eleventh Assembly in Stuttgart, Germany. The assembly theme, “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread,” guides the pre-assembly deliberations, with focus on LWF’s work since the July 2003 Assembly and the theme’s contextual and global implications.
“The Pre-Assembly is a wonderful opportunity to come together and listen to the experiences of being the church in very different and diverse contexts in Latin America and the Caribbean,” remarked Junge, who is also LWF general secretary-elect.
On the Assembly theme understanding in the region’s contexts, the Chilean theologian said he expected stories of pain and anger because of the many people who work hard to earn a living, yet continue to endure all forms of deprivation including hunger and starvation amid an abundance of God-given resources. “The church is called to work with communities that still do not have access to daily bread—shelter, water, food and other basic rights—based on the conviction that in God’s design there is never ‘my bread’ but always ‘our bread’” he emphasized.
But there will also be stories of hope, noted Junge. Within their holistic understanding of mission, churches continue to affirm that the many dimensions of “giving bread” must remain core tasks of the church’s calling, he explained.
The pre-assembly agenda includes a pre-conference for women and youth delegates during the morning session on 12 April. In the afternoon, IELCO Bishop Eduardo Martínez will preach at the opening worship. The 13 April keynote presentation by Rev. Dr Patricia Cuyatti, former president of the Peruvian Lutheran Evangelical Church, will highlight some of the theological and pastoral perspectives of the LWF Eleventh Assembly theme. Other topics include a discussion on the issue of marriage, family and human sexuality; and reflections on the implications of the LWF Renewal process for the region.
The regional gathering also includes a joint session on collaboration between Lutherans and Mennonites in Colombia. This will provide an opportunity to reflect on the significance of the anticipated LWF Eleventh Assembly action on reconciliation with Anabaptists, who were condemned and persecuted by Lutherans and others during the 16th century, said Junge.
“In Colombia, Lutherans and Mennonites are already connected because of their strong diaconal commitment to a population suffering from violence, displacement and marginalization. The Pre-Assembly will be an important moment to heal memories of the past. It is also going to be a moment of rich mutual empowerment for continued witness as bridge-builders and peacemakers in the context of Colombia and the entire region,” he added.
Junge expressed his conviction that the experiences that have transformed relationships between and among LWF member churches in the Latin American and Caribbean region would be an important contribution to the Stuttgart Assembly and to the LWF globally. (675 words)
Journey | Latin America/Caribbean Pre-Assembly Consultation