LWF Eleventh Assembly Web Site Launched
Churches Invited to Join Virtual Journey to Stuttgart
GENEVA, 22 October 2009 (LWI) - Taking part in the Eleventh Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has just gotten a little bit easier.
The newly launched LWF Assembly Web site at www.lwf-assembly.org will facilitate involvement of all members of the LWF communion, ecumenical partners, media and other interested persons in the 20-27 July 2010 gathering in Stuttgart, Germany.
Organized by keywords, core content in the LWF's languages - English, French, German and Spanish - gives a comprehensive introduction to this major international meeting at which Lutherans will make decisions on the future direction of the organization as well as share experiences and worship together.
"The LWF Eleventh Assembly Web site is an invitation to churches worldwide to join the Lutheran communion on its journey toward Stuttgart," noted Ms Karin Achtelstetter, director and editor-in-chief of the LWF Office for Communication Services.
The site's first navigational category "Participate" contains a virtual handbook for those attending the Assembly, with information on logistics, rules of procedure and other details. Sub-categories target delegates and media.
However, content is not limited to those who will be present in Stuttgart, Achtelstetter pointed out. The Web site is an open invitation to delve into prayer and action in both one's personal life and one's congregation guided by the Assembly theme "Give Us Today Our Daily Bread," she emphasized.
The area "Explore" offers feature stories, biblical reflections and insights into regional realities with respect to the Assembly theme. A video reflection by LWF President Bishop Mark S. Hanson kicks off a series highlighting voices from the communion on the meaning of daily bread. Readers also will be able to learn more about topics that will feature in assembly deliberations.
Kirchenrat Klaus Rieth, head of the Section for Mission, Ecumenical Affairs and Development Work of the assembly host church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Württemberg, expressed great excitement over the launch of the new site.
With sections such as "Journey," comprising the various gatherings and reflections paving the road to Stuttgart, Rieth called the site "a significant step" in the Assembly preparation process. Readers can follow news from the seven Pre-Assemblies and engage in related discussion through tools such as the newly-launched Women's Pre-Assembly blog.
A fourth section under the keyword "Experience" will give the opportunity to follow the assembly as it unfolds next July, with the latest news and official decisions. Video material and photos will pass on echoes from Village Group discussions, public hearings, worship and other activities.
Quick links give easy access to all important Assembly documents and Lutheran World Information (LWI) Assembly coverage in English and German as these become available. Member churches and others also can download the Assembly logo for publicity use.
The host church is providing the technical framework for the Web site. Close collaboration with its media center - Evangelisches Medienhaus - has resulted in a user-friendly site based on the popular Content Management System Typo3.
"The LWF Eleventh Assembly Web site is a concrete example of the excellent cooperation with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Württemberg," emphasized LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Ishmael Noko. "The launch of this site is a clear signal that we are well on the way toward Stuttgart." (547 words)