© LWF/Dirk Zimmermann
Media Accreditation
It is a great pleasure for the LWF Office for Communication Services to invite representatives of the media to apply for press accreditation to the Eleventh Assembly.
Almost 2,000 participants—including over 400 delegates from the 140 LWF member churches in 79 countries worldwide—will gather in Stuttgart under the LWF Assembly theme “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread.”
Assemblies are milestones in the life of the LWF, as they hold highest authority over LWF policy and activity.
The theme of the Eleventh Assembly “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread” draws attention to global, regional and local contexts. There will be three Public Hearings focusing on the following topics:
- Climate Change
- Illegitimate Debt
- HIV and AIDS
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams, head of the worldwide Anglican Communion
, will be one of two keynote speakers.The opening Eucharist in the Stiftskirche on Tuesday, 20 July will begin at 15.00 hrs (3:00 p.m.) local time.
Daily press conferences in English, German, French and Spanish are scheduled, as well as press briefings. A special contingent of hotel rooms for accredited media representatives has been reserved by the Assembly Office.
A visitation program for media representatives under the LWF Assembly theme will give the opportunity to explore related issues.
Once accredited, media representatives will receive more detailed information as well as Assembly documents.
Please note that media representatives are expected to pay for their own travel, accommodation and other expenses.
Kindly fill out and email the media accreditation application form to the Office for Communication Services as soon as possible.