© LWF/Dirk Zimmermann
Assembly Participant Categories
Delegates: This category is composed of nominees from member churches as provided for in the LWF Constitution.
Representatives: This category is composed of representatives from associate member churches as provided for in the LWF Constitution.
Observers: This category is composed of representatives of LWF recognized congregations and councils.
Official Visitors: This category is composed of persons invited by the LWF to perform certain tasks (e.g. presenter, workshop, report) at the Assembly.
Ex-officio Participants: This category is composed of members of the Council (Voting and Advisers) who are not otherwise delegates from their churches.
Advisers: This category is composed of members of LWF national committees, related agencies, invited experts and consultants.
Guests: This category is composed of persons invited by the LWF to participate in the Assembly part of the time or full-time. Normally these persons are former LWF presidents, general secretaries, ecumenical representatives, representatives from other faith communities, host church(es) guests, officials of the government in the host country or international organizations.
Visitors: This category is composed of persons attending the Assembly part of the time or full-time. Normally these persons are individual members of a member church, from which an endorsement is requested.
LWF Staff: This category is composed of LWF staff at headquarters or in the field who are needed for specific tasks at the Assembly.
Co-opted Staff: This category is composed of persons other than paid staff who are invited to render certain specific staff tasks at the
Local Staff: This category is composed of persons invited from the host church(es) to provide staff work at the Assembly.
Interpreters / Translators: This category is composed of persons invited by the LWF to facilitate discussion at the Assembly through interpretation and translation.
Stewards: This category is composed of persons invited by the LWF from member churches which nominated them to serve as stewards at the Assembly.
Accredited Journalists / Broadcasters: This category is composed of media persons invited from the member churches and secular press to cover the Assembly business. They are accredited through the Office for Communication Services.
Accompanying Persons: This category is composed of spouses, children, etc., who accompany persons accredited in other categories.