Using the Assembly Logo
Logo designed by Leonhardt & Kern Agency, Ludwigsburg, Germany
The logo may be used without permission and adapted as necessary to accommodate local languages, languages which do not use the Latin alphabet, and languages which do not read from left to right.
The official translation of the Assembly theme should be employed when using one of the LWF languages (English, French, German, Spanish):
- "Give Us Today Our Daily Bread”
- « Donne-nous aujourd’hui notre pain quotidien »
- „Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute!“
- “Danos Hoy Nuestro Pan de Cada Día“
Translation in other languages should be based on one of these four official LWF language versions.
Design variations are permitted in areas where font and color options are limited by available technology; however, the bud image itself must not be redrawn, resized or modified. The preferred background is white.