Madagascar: Bol sculpté
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The Malagasy Lutheran Church (FLM) on the island of Madagascar, and in particular its member congregation in Ambositra, is proud to share these carved bowls with the LWF. The bowls were made by members of the Zafimaniry tribe in the Ambositra area, a people known for their superb carving artistry.
Founded by Norwegian missionaries in 1866, the 3-million member Malagasy church became independent in 1950 and was one of the first African churches to share in LWF’s international work. One of the church’s key forms of witness is an extended public health ministry of hospitals, dispensaries and local clinics.
In Madagascar, bowls like these are essential tools for sharing and handling rice and water. It is said that those who share one source of food also share one life: “Izay iray vatsy, iray aina.”