Exhibition Space
Exploring the exhibition space in the Liederhalle’s Beethoven Foyer was an Assembly highlight for many participants.
The exhibits showcased diaconal programs run by LWF member churches from Cambodia to Cameroon to Columbia. The Department for World Services and the Department for Mission and Development support the various projects.
Exhibition space organizers noted that LWF member churches have promoted sustainable community work for many years. A shift of models from community training to community development, however, seeks to empower individuals and groups by providing them with the skills to affect change in their own lives and communities.
The various exhibition stands bore witness to this initiative and involvement of the member churches. As Ms Mary Eliakimu Laiser from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania noted, rather than petition for daily bread, “we have begun to pray ‘Thank you for giving us today our daily bread.’”
Lutheran Service Agencies Create a Kaleidoscope of Color
Churches from throughout the world illustrated their work at the Assembly in Stuttgart.
“Barefoot Engineers” Bring Light to Remote Villages
Women trained as solar engineers by DWS Mauritania are turning night into day in their villages.